
Monday 11 April 2022

Edinburgh Castle

Hi Everyone,

We went to Edinburgh Castle on the most gloriously sunny day, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and and it felt like we were abroad. We definitely hit the weather jackpot.

The amazing benefit of this lovely weather was that the views from the castle which are always very spectacular were just breathtakingly beautiful. We could see for miles. The castle has various vantage points so you are able to get full 360 degree views and we really enjoyed this, we spent a lot of time just looking out and seeing what places etc we could spot. It's worth visiting just for the views.

There is a whole host more to enjoy at the castle, and all are areas are so well kept and preserved, it was fascinating exploring it all. The areas include The Great Hall,
St Margaret’s Chapel, Mons Meg
One o’Clock Gun (well worth watching this, it's very impressive), Palace Apartments,
Prisons of War exhibition,
Honours of Scotland (Crown Jewels & Stone of Destiny),
Scottish National War Memorial,
National War Museum, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Museum along with a lovely tea room and shops.

We had a lovely few hours at Edinburgh Castle and it definitely enhanced our trip.

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