Wednesday 23 February 2022

Bill Quay Farm

Hi Everyone,

We visited Bill Quay Community Farm yesterday. This is a small farm with, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, alpacas, chickens and a petting barn, with small animals and reptiles.

The outside areas of the farm are free to visit but the small animal barn is £2 for adults and £1 for a child, you can purchase small cups of animal feed for £1 each as well. Whilst inside our youngest was able to hold a guinea pig in the barn but the rabbits were not in the mood to be picked up on our visit, she still enjoyed looking at all the animals and spent about 15 minutes inside.

Bill Quay Farm also has a little Gruffalo trail and a cafe which serves gluten free brownies (bonus for us).

It's a nice little farm to spend an hour or two and we really enjoyed feeding the animals, especially the alpacas who were real characters.

There is limited parking at the Farm so do check for alternative spots before you go.

#billquaycommunityfarm #feedingtimeatthefarm #gruffalo #freshair #alpacas #notboredoutdoors

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