Saturday 6 February 2021

The Case of the Stolen Heart Treasure Trail


Hi Everyone,

We spent a lovely evening last night investigating the Case of the Stolen Heart Treasure Trail. 

We are huge fans of Treasure Trails and have missed being able to take part in new trails during lockdown so this FREE virtual trail was just the ticket.

Just like the normal outdoor trails you are given clues to follow which will help you find the treasure (in this case love interest) you are looking for. 

The great thing about Treasure Trails is that the whole family can get involved and this was no exception. We usually love discovering new places while completing trails and this was no exception. Our girls absolutely loved looking on Google earth to find the desired locations and the clues within. Who knew there was so many valentine related streets in England.

The virtual trail is more condensed than the standard walking trail and it only took us around 30-40 mins to complete (I forgot to time us!) which felt like a good amount of time for this particular platform. Once complete you can also enter a competition to win a prize if you have worked out who the love interest is.

This trail was so much fun to do as a family and would also be lovely to do on Valentine's Day to make it a bit more special.

You can get your free trail here:

If you would like to read our review for the walking trails follow the below link:

If would like to buy a local trail to take part in or one further afield for when lockdown ends you can find them on this link:

Happy hunting!

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