Friday 24 July 2020

Gibside National Trust

Hi Everyone,

Today we visited Gibside National Trust for the first time since it had reopened. There is currently a new booking system in place to ensure the sites don't get too busy and I must say it worked wonderfully. We booked the 10:00-10:30am entry slot and it felt like we had the site to ourself.

We headed straight along the beautiful avenue (completing some wild challenges along the way) upto the stables and onto the play scape, which comprises of various wooden obstacles and objects to navigate round.

From there we headed to the low ropes challenge, this is a favourite spot of ours. Set in beautiful woodland you navigate various rope obstacles. We always time each other and see who can be the quickest to complete the challenge. The ropes are trickier than they appear and keep us entertained for a good while. We stayed here to enjoy our picnic on the table and benches.

After lunch, we headed to the den building area. Another favourite pass time of ours. We spent almost two hours on our creations today and they were pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.

We spent a full day here and didn't get round half of the site. We will keep the river walk, walled garden and geo-caching for our next visit.

The toilet facilities and cafe are open but the main playground and stables are still closed. This didn't take away at all from our day as there is so much to do at Gibside.

Gibside is chargeable but free for National Trust members. I couldn't recommend the benefits of a National Trust membership enough there are a huge amount of sites to visit and enjoy. We've found that the Scottish National Teust membership is cheaper and allows you into all the English sites. For more information on the National Trust Memberships follow the below link:


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